Spring Into Action – Save Alfalfa House


First and foremost we are asking you to RENEW your yearly membership early.

From radical roots over 40 years ago, our independent Enmore Road store has been providing Sydney’s Inner West with the best locally sourced groceries since 1988.

Join a part of history and become a member and owner of Alfalfa House!


We aim to be an inclusive open co-op – if money is a barrier to joining us please reach out to [email protected]



If you're in a position to do so, please DONATE.

All donors will enter into the draw to WIN a wide range of INCREDIBLE prizes thanks to generous, in-kind contributions from our extended community.

Select Cause

  • Select Cause
Item Charge
Donation $NONE
Fees ( 2% ) $NONE
Total $No Charge


We’ve reworked our pricing and now, more than ever, we are one of the most affordable sources of organic food in Sydney.

If everyone spent just an extra $5 each time they shopped we would be in a safe position. So don’t feel guilty about buying that extra bar of Tony’s Chocolonely.

INVITE friends, family and colleagues to also shop and  JOIN the Alfalfa House community

DONATE before December 5 to be eligible for the 2022 Prize Draws


There’s over $7,500 worth of prizes to be won – many wonderful gifts donated by Alfalfa House members, friends, suppliers and local businesses!

Alfalfa’s Newtown Station Kitchen Garden OPEN DAY

Saturday 26 November from 11am - 3.00pm


Join us for a 'get your hands dirty' Garden Tour
BE inspired by Jess Miller, Collective Impact & Communications Strategist for resilient and climate adaptive cities⁠

BE entertained by Peter Black, Hard-Ons legendary guitarist & acoustic soloist, with bubble performances for the kids.
We'll be onsite at the garden with food and beverages - so please bring you own cup, hat and sunscreen.


HOW TO FIND US:⁠ Down the steps beside the lift at the entrance to Newtown Station, turn left and there we are. Or come via Railway Lane.⁠

Join in the digging or just come to see where we grow food for Alfalfa House grocery store on Enmore Road




We’ll be having film screenings of wonderful films made by our members. Be amazed, have a great night out with fellow members, and help contribute to our fundraiser!

Annual General Meeting

14 DECEMBER – join us to make your voice heard on the future of Alfalfa House!

Connect With Us

Spring Into Action – Save Alfalfa House


First and foremost we are asking you to RENEW your yearly membership early.

From radical roots over 40 years ago, our independent Enmore Road store has been providing Sydney’s Inner West with the best locally sourced groceries since 1988.

Post pandemic, costs have gone up across the board and Australian grocery sales have fallen 30% from last year. As a small community organisation, we do not have the war chests of the big supermarkets and health food emporiums to support us through such tough times. Our safety net has been slowly wearing down and we are now at the point we need to ask you, the members and owners of Alfalfa House, to show your support so we can safely keep our doors open.

The next two months are critical to the ongoing sustainability of Alfalfa House.

RENEW NOW for the next 12 months to help us get into the new year on solid ground.




If you're in a position to do so, please DONATE.

All donors will enter into the draw to WIN a wide range of INCREDIBLE prizes thanks to generous, in-kind contributions from our extended community.

Select Cause

  • Select Cause
Item Charge
Donation $NONE
Fees ( 2% ) $NONE
Total $No Charge


We’ve reworked our pricing and now, more than ever, we are one of the most affordable sources of organic food in Sydney.

If everyone spent just an extra $5 each time they shopped we would be in a safe position. So don’t feel guilty about buying that extra bar of Tony’s Chocolonely.

INVITE friends, family and colleagues to also shop and  JOIN the Alfalfa House community

DONATE before December 5 to be eligible for the 2022 Prize Draws


There’s over $7,500 worth of prizes to be won – many wonderful gifts donated by Alfalfa House members, friends, suppliers and local businesses!

Alfalfa’s Newtown Station Kitchen Garden OPEN DAY

Saturday 26 November from 11am - 3.00pm


Join us for a 'get your hands dirty' Garden Tour
BE inspired by Jess Miller, Collective Impact & Communications Strategist for resilient and climate adaptive cities⁠

BE entertained by Peter Black, the Hard-Ons legendary guitarist & acoustic soloist, with bubble performances for the kids.
We'll be onsite at the garden with food and beverages - so please bring you own cup, hat and sunscreen.


HOW TO FIND US:⁠ Down the steps beside the lift at the entrance to Newtown Station, turn left and there we are. Or come via Railway Lane.⁠

Join in the digging or just come to see where we grow food for Alfalfa House grocery store on Enmore Road




We’ll be having film screenings of wonderful films made by our members. Be amazed, have a great night out with fellow members, and help contribute to our fundraiser!

Annual General Meeting

14 DECEMBER – join us to make your voice heard on the future of Alfalfa House!

Connect With Us


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From radical roots over 40 years ago, our independent Enmore Road store has been providing Sydney’s Inner West with the best locally sourced groceries since 1988. Join a part of history and become a member and owner of Alfalfa House!


Affordable, ethical groceries

Feel good buying food that is good for you, the planet, and your wallet. We are one of the most affordable sources of organic produce in Sydney and the more members we have the cheaper our prices can be.

Get 10% off every shop (20% if you volunteer)

As a member you get 10% off every shop - making our already great prices even more affordable.

If you volunteer you can get 20% for every shift you put in. Find out more about volunteering in our portal here (link)

Have a say in how our co-op is run

When you join us, YOU help to make the decisions, YOU are part of the process. YOU will know where your food comes from.

As a member of the Co-op, you are an OWNER with a share in our business.

You can find out more about having a say in our member portal

Join a welcoming, diverse community of ethically-minded locals

Members are the foundation, the heart, and the soul of Alfalfa House. We are happy to have a wonderful community of members who you can get to know in store or at one of our events.


Enjoy our Alfalfa House Community Garden

Contribute and grow at our community garden by Newtown Station. Lots of our greens come from here reducing food miles and increasing affordability.

You can meet some great people and learn a lot too. Email [email protected] to find out more.

Join a worldwide network of Co-operatives (and use your membership at lots of them!)

Did you know there are co-operatives of all different shapes and sizes all over the world? By joining ours you enter a worldwide community of a different way of doing business, that nurtures community and the environment.

Many other co-ops will accept your membership in their stores including all the food co-ops in the Sydney region. You can find them here

Support a truly ethical and independent small business & small farmers, producers, and food diversity

Our produce is local, seasonal, and delicious. As often as we can we purchase farmer direct to ensure it’s as fresh as possible and to give farmers the prices they deserve.

Every purchase Alfalfa House makes is put back into our community—not into the pockets of CEOs, destructive businesses, and monocultures.

We prioritise people and the environment over profit!

Open post

Where does our food come from?

An Interview with team member Carina Fisk Charlton

I became a member at Alfalfa House when I was working at an organic wholesaler that supplies food to shops and co-ops across Australia. Being passionate about shopping waste-free and I found I could get everything I needed at Alfalfa. I spent a few years volunteering and became a paid staff member in February last year.

Alfalfa prides itself on its ethics. How does this determine what we choose to sell?

There is a process when it comes to stocking new products at Alfalfa House, and each product must fit certain criteria that embody the term ‘ethical food’. We focus on local, farmer direct, organic, Australian, bulk and plastic-free, or low impact packaging, and we don’t stock items that don’t meet one or more of these standards.

What does farmer-direct mean and how does this work in practice at the co-op?

Farmer-direct means we have a working relationship with the people who grow our food. This works exceptionally well in our co-op, as members love knowing who grew what and exactly where it came from, even down to when it was picked. We pride ourselves on having this knowledge, and it wouldn’t be possible without these farmer-direct relationships.

How is this helping our planet?

When there is a straight line from us to the people growing our food, the profits of the produce go directly to the farm. This can be really empowering for our farmers and encourages them and others to continue to grow food in a more sustainable way.

What kind of products are unique to Alfalfa?

We have a unique range of bulk items. I haven’t been to any other grocery store in the Inner West that sells bulk milk, tofu, cheese and butter. Even things like body lotion, face cream and cleansers are impossible to get packaging-free, so it’s really exciting to have access to all of these products.

We also have a huge range of plastic-free items like tempeh wrapped in banana leaves, vegan cheese and potato crisps in compostable packaging. There’s just nowhere else where you can get all of these products under one roof.

Any thoughts on supermarkets that sell plastic covered bananas or oranges?

This is my biggest, pet peeve! We don’t sell any produce in plastic at Alfalfa House, and it’s not a great challenge for us, so I don’t see why supermarkets can’t do this too.

What are your future hopes for Alfalfa House and other co-ops, globally?

I hope Alfalfa House can expand, attracting more and more members and shoppers, and thereby gain greater buying power, and build and strengthen our relationships with local growers. I hope one day we will live in a world where a food co-op is your regular grocery store.

** Carina recently returned to her role as Merchandise Co-ordinator, after a 6-month  stint as Co-Manager.

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